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 sms to joe darieu
Joe Darieu

Joe Darieu

friends, waffles and work
Messages : 15
Pseudo : salvìa, fanny
Faceclaim : cassie amato, patou

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sms to joe darieu Empty
() sujet: sms to joe darieu    Mar 18 Déc - 9:34

Hi. I'm an expandeable chat box with box shadow. How are you? I expand horizontally and vertically, as you can see here.

Hi. I'm an expandeable chat box with box shadow. How are you? I expand horizontally and vertically, as you can see here.

message bleu
<center><div style="text-align:justify;width:400px;"><div class="chat">
<div class="bubble1 me">Hi. I'm an expandeable chat box with box shadow. How are you? I expand horizontally and vertically, as you can see here.</div></div></div></center>

message blanc
<center><div style="text-align:justify;width:400px;"><div class="chat">
<div class="bubble you">Hi. I'm an expandeable chat box with box shadow. How are you? I expand horizontally and vertically, as you can see here.</div></div></div></center>
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sms to joe darieu

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