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 - sms to poppy bloom.
Suki Romero
what beauty is evil yet to cause
Suki Romero

friends, waffles and work
Messages : 487
Pseudo : witchling, clau.
Multinick : finch, honor, colt and suki.
Faceclaim : clara wilsey, ©perlman.
Residence : 0000, walnut lane.

Feuille de personnage
Availability: . . .

- sms to poppy bloom. Empty
() sujet: - sms to poppy bloom.    Lun 31 Déc - 3:17

all ready for bath time. waiting for you.

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Poppy Bloom

Poppy Bloom

friends, waffles and work
Messages : 63
Pseudo : ivy.
Faceclaim : laurel thoma, scythe ♡
Residence : #1307 palmer street

- sms to poppy bloom. Empty
() sujet: Re: - sms to poppy bloom.    Lun 31 Déc - 5:58

honey you have got to give me more notice than that. I have a guest here!

ok. got rid of him. good to go.

what are we watching today? I found this documentary show about magic the other day and the guy on it is a real s n a c k
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- sms to poppy bloom.
 Sujets similaires
» - sms to poppy bloom.
» all heat but no warmth. (poppy)
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